4 Spots You Should Keep Clean Before Inviting Guests Over

General Cleaning Singapore

Despite the tighter COVID restrictions in place, households can still receive up to two unique visitors a day. So if you are planning to invite your relatives or friends over for a sumptuous meal during the weekends or on special occasions, it is crucial you take note of the regulations to avoid breaching the rules.

In addition to taking note of the COVID restrictions, you should also dedicate some time to cleaning your house before inviting your guests over. As a host, it is vital for you to leave a good impression on your visitors in the form of a neat and tidy home. Cleaning the areas that your guests are most likely to see and use is particularly essential. Let us share the four most important areas to keep clean before your guests arrive on your doorstep.

1. The sofa

The living room is probably the first area your guests will lay eyes on when they enter your home. It is also the place where you will interact with your friends or relatives the most. Therefore, it is paramount for you to take the time to clean the area before letting them into your charming home.

If there is a specific piece of furniture in your living room that you should focus your cleaning on, it would be the sofa. Due to daily usage, your couch is probably covered in various fuzz and dirt. Hence, this piece of furniture should be your priority before your visitors arrive. You would not want to sit on a dirty sofa, and the feeling is likely mutual from their perspectives.

2. Carpets and rugs

Besides your sofa, the carpets and rugs are the household objects most susceptible to dirt and dust. Furthermore, carpets are naturally absorbent, so they attract all manners of greasy residue. Finally, if you have pets at home, your rugs may also be prone to pet hair.

These items are a catch-all for dirt, dust mites, dead skin cells, bacteria, mold, and many other types of allergens. Thus, it is essential that you have them vacuumed and washed before inviting guests over. Suppose you are having trouble getting the stains off the carpets. In that case, you should consider engaging the services of a carpet cleaning specialist in Singapore as its cleaners possess the expertise to assist you in this matter.

3. Kitchen counters

Some guests love to gather in the kitchen. If one of your guests loves to cook, he or she might even extend a helping hand in preparing the food. However, if your sink and kitchen counter are covered in unwashed plates from last night’s dinner, it might leave a bad impression on your visitor. So, if you are planning to invite your friends or relatives over for dinner, make sure to clean your kitchen as well. Dispose of any remaining food waste and wipe your kitchen counter before they arrive.

4. Bathroom surfaces

If your guests are planning to stay for a while, they likely have to use the bathroom on occasions. Bathrooms are typically an indication of how clean a house and its owners are. So, before your guests arrive, make sure your bathroom is all clean and tidy. For example, clear away any countertop toiletries so your visitor can avoid toppling them over by accident. Additionally, wipe down your bathroom counter, faucet handles, and toilet to remove any dirt or stain.


A clean and tidy house will leave a great impression on your guests. If you want your home to seem very inviting to your guests, make sure it is free from dirt and germs before you welcome them over. Your sofa, carpets and rugs, kitchen counter, and bathroom surfaces are the areas you need to pay special attention to when cleaning your home.

If you need help to ensure your house is spick and span, it is advisable to hire a cleaning professional. Here at APlus Clean Solutions, we guarantee that every corner of your home is cleaned thoroughly. We are a commercial cleaning company that specializes in house, office, and general cleaning in Singapore. To learn more, contact us at +65 8233 6300.